The Faculty of Traditional Medicine, Kawajangsa invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders having trade license and tax clearance for the following work as detailed below.
1. Bids for the water supply line and related works
- Name of Work : Water supply line and related work.
- Estimate Cost : Nu. 8,36,942.96
- Duration : 3 Months
- Last date and time of submission : 25th September 2020 at 12:00 noon.
- Date and time of Opening : 25th September 2020 at 02:00 PM.
A complete set of bidding documents can be downloaded from the CDB website ( Prospective bidders can seek clarification from Administrative Officer , 321473 and Sr. Procurement Assistant 17669641 during office hours.
*** This is to inform our bidders that the invitation of bids for the “Maintenance work for Academic building and hostel” has been withhold as per the directives from the Ministry of Finance ( Letter No. MoF/PPD/LZ/2020/).